Crimes are now everywhere that’s why a 24/7 color night vision camera is in demand. It is true that due to covid-19 and long time lockdowns create so many crises all over the world. The after-effect of the lockdown through people into poverty. Poverty makes a crisis in the financial sector. Besides this, students were not in touch with education, making them sluggish. Idle students didn’t find any way to pass the time which increases the tendency to make crimes. To prevent criminology, people are using CCTV cameras at home. They choose different types of residential security cameras. A 24/7 color night vision camera is one of them. Crime like murder, robbing people’s staff such as vehicles, and other elements are now forced to stop using these cameras. City mayors or governors sometimes failed to save city dwellers against mischief. But, they can identify criminals even after committing offensive work with the help of color night vision cameras.

Cameras that can record 24/7

In the last decades, people are frequently using CCTV cameras and 24/7 color night vision cameras are one of them. This video surveillance technology gives security protection the whole day and night even without having any breaks. Typically, security cameras use IR lights to capture videos at night. They turn on IR lights when there is darkness around the pointed area. But, using IR lights on these cameras can cause some problems. Sometimes, it records unclear videos and processes monochromatic footage. That is why people may lose essential details and miss out on criminals at the same time.
Here is a solution come over with a 24/7 color night vision camera. Technology is continuously moving forward and inventing new features for CCTV security cameras every single day. A 24/7 color night vision camera uses bright white light to capture a full colorful and amazing view of the pointed area.

Working procedure of color night vision cameras

The working procedure of 24/7 color night vision cameras is simple. Simply, there are two types of light- starlight and the onboard floodlight to make color night vision by these cameras. Let’s check how this light makes an impact on cameras.
Cameras with starlight features: The technology that uses starlight to make the camera’s function is also known as “LightHunter”. The starlight feature is not new as we think. The mechanic of starlight night vision cameras uses the dimmed light from stars to make such kind of camera. It takes steps to capture distinct footage even in lower-light views. ColorHunter modifies this LightHunter technology to open a new era in the security camera world. Normally, a standard camera uses an F 2.0 lens whereas a starlight camera and ColorHunter camera use F 1.6 and F 1.0 respectively. ColorHunter camera consumes more light to put into the lens that strikes the sensor. The sensor of the color night vision camera is also large to expand the larger amount of light. The lenses of these cameras are backside-brightened or backside-illuminated (BSI). After connecting the BSI sensor and standard sensor altogether, an amazing night vision camera will come out. There is a point to be noted about light. If there is not sufficient light around the area pointed by the camera, then this LightHunter will not work efficiently. On-board floodlight cameras will be the next solution instead of using starlight cameras.
Cameras with On-board floodlight: These cameras work in two ways. First of all, there is a switching option for using onboard floodlights in cameras. Onboard flood light cameras have both infrared LED lights and starlight options. Anyone can manually turn LED IR lights on or off.
When it is dark over the surveillance area, the onboard white flood light remains on. We all know, white light consumes all the wavelengths of estimated light. So, the camera sees any view in its original color for the whole day and night. If flood lights are set in an automatic mood, then they can turn themselves on and off when it is needed. There are even three modes from where you can switch to anyone to get your desired white light. The moods are- global mode, overexposure restraint mode, and manual mode.

Best color for night vision camera

There are two better colors for capturing footage with a 24/7 color night vision camera. Red and green are those colors over white ones. The red color is better when it is time to preserve night vision. Green color light comes in a better place. More details can be shown by this color. People prefer it to clarify closed things as well as distanced vision. Military systems use these color lights to observe the situation where there is no need for greater detection of anything.

24/7 Color Night Vision Cameras

Color night vision camera compared to normal night vision cameras

If a 24/7 color night vision camera compares to a regular night vision camera, then color night vision will also take a better place. Net and clean night vision of a security camera may the main reason to buy the best night vision camera. The following comparison may help you to choose which security camera system for your home is suitable for you.

According to price range: Though, a color night vision camera provides better service but it doesn’t cost more than a normal camera.

Get ideal to choose color night vision camera

In this section, you can find the idea to choose the best color night vision cameras. You just need to think about some factors before jumping into a color night vision camera.
There are some technical terms you need to know about cameras before buying them. You should get an idea about the resolution, IR range, 3D DNR, dynamic range, IR cut filter, the field of view, and so on. Like others, you can find out all the specifications of the technical terms of a camera in the product case.
The thing you have to decide then is the place where you want to set the camera. Make sure you place the camera where it cannot be washed away. Except for this matter, these wireless security cameras for home would be the best choice.
Another last thing is to get reviews from others. You can get better information about the product from the people who use it.

The time you need a 24/7 color night vision camera

Anyone who passes nights at sufficient light can use a 24/7 color night vision camera. There are many cameras such as wireless security cameras, dome cameras, PTZ cameras, bullet cameras, and so on. Security camera setup and installing security cameras like these are also different from one another. Among all these cameras, some people prefer to use color night vision cameras that can make service 24/7. Some reasons to choose color night vision may like these:


To sum up, a 24/7 color night vision camera has a built-in night vision system that can monitor the light level of an area. It can detect criminals using starlights and onboard lights. This camera even works in darkness throwing IR lights which is not visible to human being. Color night vision is an updated version of “low light operation”. Because of having starlight operation, it can work even in zero light. On the other hand, criminals start their misdoing in darkness. So, people are attaching themselves to CCTV camera systems with night vision that can distinctly work 24/7.